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7 May, 2020 21:37

‘America needs you!’ Comey rallies anti-Trump #Resistance amid meltdown over DOJ dropping Flynn case

‘America needs you!’ Comey rallies anti-Trump #Resistance amid meltdown over DOJ dropping Flynn case

The Justice Department’s dropping of charges against former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn unleashed a torrent of liberal rage. Among those seething at the Trump administration was former FBI chief James Comey.

Flynn was one of the first Trump officials to be targeted by the FBI’s ‘Russiagate’ probe, and pleaded guilty in 2017 of lying to the Bureau about his communications with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. 

Also on rt.com End of Russiagate? DOJ drops case against Trump adviser Flynn that started ‘witch hunt’

However, the Department of Justice on Thursday dropped the charges against the ousted general, arguing that the FBI’s investigation was conducted “without any legitimate investigative basis.” 

Prior to the decision, unsealed documents revealed that Flynn had been entrapped by a group of FBI agents who had openly discussed plotting to thwart Trump’s election. Additionally, it emerged that disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok pushed to keep the Flynn case open, knowing that the agency had found “no derogatory information” about Flynn.

Comey – who ordered Strzok to interview Flynn, and previously admitted that this interview broke FBI protocol – stuck by his former agency on Thursday, and instead accused the DOJ of wrongdoing.

“The DOJ has lost its way,” he tweeted. “But, career people: please stay because America needs you. The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.”

While Comey sang the praises of the FBI’s “career people,” President Donald Trump has described these same agency spooks – many of them holdovers from the Obama administration – as “human scum,” who orchestrated a “witch hunt” to force him out of office.

“What they’ve done is a disgrace, and I hope a big price is going to be paid,” the president told reporters on Thursday afternoon.

With Comey and Trump clearly at odds on what constitutes “honest, competent leadership,” liberal pundits and commentators focused their rage on Attorney General William Barr, who they see as a Trump loyalist.

“This is outrageous!”tweeted New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, himself one of the top Democrats who pushed for Trump’s impeachment. “Flynn PLEADED GUILTY to lying to investigators.  The evidence against him is overwhelming. Now, a politicized DOJ is dropping the case.”

“In a functional DOJ,”wrote CNN analyst Susan Hennessey, a former lawyer in the Obama administration, “[the dropping of charges] would prompt mass resignation.”

From liberal legal minds to TV pundits, the rage flowed in. Legal analyst Renato Mariotti called the DOJ’s behavior as “the sort of corruption you’d expect in a banana republic, not the United States of America.” 

Curiously, none of these same pundits mentioned “corruption” or “banana republics” as the recent tranches of FBI documents revealed the effort to set Flynn up.

As the collection of Democrat personalities and Never-Trump Republicans raged on Twitter, the president’s supporters praised Barr as the first Trump-era AG willing to turn the tables on the ‘Russiagate’ “coup” plotters.

Some of them also took the DOJ’s decision as a sign of things to come, calling on Barr’s department to move against Comey, as well as a host of Democrat politicians and FBI figures next.

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